Birds and Flowers
Overview is a company in Kyoto, which has been designing and creating Kimonos for over four hundred years. Since 1555, they have collected art works from Japanese artists, which are designed using nature, trees, flowers and birds. Nowadays, they make Kimono patterns from these artist’s works. Each Kimono pattern has a unique, timeless and beautiful story that attracts collectors of this exclusive craft.’s goal is to make their customers feel more special from other brands, which makes them unique and attractive.
In 2022, we created graphics and an animation film about the company’s collection ‘Birds and flowers’. We collaborated with Swedish illustrator Peter Gehrman to create a new visual, which was a new approach for the more conservative side of the Kimono industry. This new visual approach showed the uniqueness of the Chiso brand. A collection theme showed a motif ‘Birds and flowers’ to tell the Kimono story of the flowers blooming from Winter to Spring, Summer, and Autumn with birds to show the beauty of the changing seasons. In contrast, the visual story told in the animation is of a woman who gets lost in a magical world exploring and discovering the Kimono. We were challenged to create the exciting and fantasy world of the Chiso brand to attract customers that are beyond generation and culture from around the world/ across the globe.

Agency : Drill
Executive Producer : 江成修 (Drill)
Creative Director / Art Director : 松永美春 (Drill)
Producer : 大塚匡一 (Drill)